Worship and Creative Arts  

Bubba Akins

Director of Worship and Creative Arts 

It has always been my dream to play music for royalty and I have devoted my life to honing my musical skills to make that dream a reality. I firmly believe that music is a gift entrusted to us by Heaven, and it is our responsibility to develop and use this gift to honor the King of kings.  It is this belief that led me to pursue a degree in Music Education. I aim to make Heaven proud of our work, so let's work together to achieve excellence.  As I have studied music history, I’ve noticed that leaders and people of influence throughout history have always had the best musicians in the world performing for them. It is important to me that the Divine, who I believe to be the highest and most deserving, receive the same dedication and excellence. Let us all come together to offer our best, for this cause is worthy of our greatest efforts. 
At True Life Center, we are dedicated to cultivating and harnessing the unique talents and abilities bestowed upon us by heaven, with the purpose of glorifying our Creator. Additionally, we strive to leverage technological innovations to invite and engage individuals in seeking the Throne of Grace. Our overarching objective for this ministry is to harmonize the various gifts granted to us by God and utilize them to exalt His name. Our aspiration is to establish an inclusive environment where all individuals can actively partake in worship.
We aspire to establish a worship team characterized by seamless collaboration and a high level of competence, enabling us to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit without hindrance. Achieving this requires musicians to develop an intimate familiarity with their instruments, allowing them to play with instinctive ease. Furthermore, they should possess a profound understanding of music, facilitating smooth transitions from one song to another, from one musical style to another, and from one key to another. Additionally, a deep understanding of the object of our worship and the expectations placed upon us is essential.
Our ministry is dedicated to fostering a sacred space where people can deeply experience the presence of the Lord. We believe that encountering God is a transformative experience that can profoundly impact individuals, and it is our mission to facilitate this divine connection. By thoughtfully integrating modern technology into our services, we aim to enhance the worship experience, making it more engaging and accessible. Our use of technological advancements is not just about staying current, but about building an environment that is conducive to spiritual growth and personal encounters with the Holy Spirit.

Sunday Morning Team

This team lays it down three times every Sunday. This group will constantly be changing as new people audition and join the team.  

Acoustic Team

This team will be made up of common acoustic instruments (i.e. Guitar, Piano, Upright Bass, Cajon w/ shaker, other strings, etc.) This team will perform on special occasions when the service calls for an acoustic set.

Children's Worship Team

The Savior’s Band – apostrophe “S” - is our team of children musicians who are learning music and mastering their craft. They will perform worship on the fifth Sunday of the month. This group will act as a pathway to get onto the Sunday morning team.

Production Team

Our audio and visual team is composed of all those interested in the blend of technology and art. This group works the lights, sound, lyrics, and anything else the worship environment needs.

Brass Quintet

The Brass Quintet is made up of two trumpets, one French horn, a trombone, and a tuba. These groups will perform only on special occasions. This group will be made up of church members and community members alike.

String Quartet

The String Quartet is made up of two violins, one viola, and a cello. This group will perform only on special occasions. This group will be made up of church members and community members alike.

Join our team! 

Audition Info and Desired Skills

The ability to play with a metronome - when we play with a click track, this skill is essential.
The ability to read chord charts - chord charts are the primary form of notation that we use week-to-week.
Familiarity with the Nashville Number System – This system unites music during ministry moments and is a great  tool to aid in transposition.
Stage Presence – What we do from week to week is fun and it needs to look like it. Your ability to “go with the flow.”
These skills will be evaluated during your audition, SO if any of these concepts are foreign, please reach out and ask for assistance!
Your auditions will be held at True Life Center in the worship center at your scheduled time
*Prior to  joining the worship team, at least 4 Sundays need to be spent in the A/V booth as an introduction to the way the team functions*
Please be prepared with two praise/worship songs with contrasting styles (i.e. one fast, one slow); for audition music click below

Audition Sign Up